FILMS ("fluids, interfaces, liquids and micro-systems") is a research team within the IEMN laboratory in Lille, France.

Our main activities are on Fluids and interfaces and Acoustofluidics.




PhD defense Aurélien Goerlinger

films Group seminar

Impact de jets : du ressaut hydraulique oscillant à la formation de spray sur surface chaude

12:15 - 13:00

Henrik Bruus (DTU Denmark)

films Group seminar Invited seminar

Acoustic streaming: How ultrasound generates fluid flow near rigid boundaries

12:15 - 10:00
12:15 - 12:45

Guillaume Lagubeau

films Group seminar



PhD defense Samir Almohammad

films Group seminar
12:15 - 13:15

Matthieu Labousse (ESPCI Paris)

films Invited seminar


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Latest news

PhD position starting in autum 2024

We are proposing a unique PhD 3-year scholarship in the field of acoustofluidics, in our group at IEMN,…

Internship opportunities 2024

As every year, we are proposing a large variety of Master internships / Master theses. Find all offers by…